GLOW Beverages x Good Morning LaLa Land

This Fall, our CEO and founder, John Larson, was invited to talk on Good Morning LaLa Land. The subject? Well… Can’t you see him glowing?

In the clip, John talks about how he came up with the idea for GLOW. Spoiler, it was after a crazy night in Vegas. If you have ever gone out and knew that the last thing you needed was another cocktail or you just didn't feel like drinking, then you'll understand exactly what John is talking about. Why aren't there healthy premium functional drinks that aren't made for football players that support long busy days and even longer wild nights?  See how John came up with the idea for GLOW!

What if you could take care of both with one functional beverage, AND make it through work the next day? Poof! GLOW.

GLOW was created to aid ambitions men and women through any endeavor life throws at them. You should feel good whether you are walking into a presentation at work, working out, living your best life, or glowing through the night.

Check out John’s 5 minutes of fame and learn what he has to say about the future of GLOW.

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