Festival season is in full swing and this year’s fashion is outrageous! Whether you’re at a summer bluegrass in San Francisco or an EDM festival in Los Angeles, you want to look your summer best. Easier said than done, right?
Pictured: @chanelwestcoast
We believe that staying fit is a yearlong endeavor. It’s a lifestyle. If you take care of yourself in the off months, you’ll be ready to go when the festival is ON! There are many ways to do this. Keto is one of them. It all comes down to sugar intake.

According to healthline, keto is a “low carb, high-fat diet. It lowers blood sugar and insulin levels, and shifts the body’s metabolism away from carbs and towards fats and ketones.” Essentially, you can eat all the fat you want but you must stay away from sugar- Also easier said than done.
The Glow team loves festival season, and the fashion that comes with it. We also think that you should feel good in what you wear. Whether you’re on keto or just trying to make healthier choices, we can help. If you are craving sugar and torn between your hot pants and that Jolly Rancher, pick the hotpants! Reach for a bottle of Glow instead. We fulfil the same sugar cravings, without the sugar, and with added vitamins and electrolytes.
Rumor has it, we might even be able to cure that hangover too….
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info@glowbeverages.com . We’d love to hear from you.